Check in starts at 6:30pm
Gathering starts at 7pm
Sunset View Clubhouse/Oasis Room
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If you have not already done so, it is time to renew your membership for 2025.
Please fill out the application attached along with your check for $25 per person.
You may bring it to our membership meeting, mail it to the address on the application or
drop it in our mailbox #23 in the Mountain View Clubhouse.
Thank you!
If you have not already done so, it is time to renew your membership for 2025.
Please fill out the application attached along with your check for $25 per person.
You may bring it to our membership meeting, mail it to the address on the application or
drop it in our mailbox #23 in the Mountain View Clubhouse.
Thank you!
Happy New Year to all!
We thought a great way to kick off 2025 for our club would be with a service project. In doing so, we will be collecting items to support the clients of The Galilee Center in Mecca, CA. If you are not familiar with The Galilee Center, please visit their website here: www.galileecernter.org. All items will be delivered on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Ironically, this is also Inauguration Day, and we can’t think of a better way to spend this day by honoring Martin Luther King and his passion for justice, peace and care for ALL. To honor their mission of supporting the disadvantaged and underprivileged in the Coachella Valley, we will be collecting the items in the list below for their clients:
- Travel size toiletries: toothpaste, lotions, deodorant, soaps, shaving cream, etc.
- Toothbrushes
- Disposable razors
- Feminine hygiene products.
- Socks and underwear (men & women)
- Beanies for your head (important for this time of year due to colder weather)
- Gloves
We ask that if you are able to, please purchase a few of the items above to be donated to The Galilee Center. To make it easy for you, once purchased, please feel free to drop off at the home of Tim Stigers and Jaime Hernandes located at:
78280 Estancia Drive which is located near the north gate. (Feel free to leave on the front porch.)
If you are unable to drop them off but do have items to donate, we will pick them up on Friday, January 17th or Sunday, January 19th. Just call or text Tim at (619) 846-8272 or Jaime at (619) 379-7643. Just leave your name and address and we will swing by to collect.
We understand that this is short notice, but we hope that you are able to do what you can for this very important non-profit organization in our community and honor MLK.
We look forward to an active and successful year with Sun City Democrats!
In peace,
Suellen, Melanie, Susie, Chris, Vicky, Jodi, Tim and Jaime.
Saturday December 7th, SunsetView Clubhouse
Leigh McGowan, PoliticsGirl Spoke at the Riverside County Democratic Party Blueprint For Democracy Speakers Series hosted by Democrats in Sun City.
An Afternoon with Special Guest Speaker Congressman Adam Schiff
Sunday, April 16, 2023 at the Spotlight 29 Casino.
Sun City Democrats have donated a total of $1,380 to the World Central Kitchen. These donations will help to support the wonderful work this organization is doing to feed the thousands of Ukrainian refugees and those still in Ukraine.
If you would like to donate go to www.wck.org to make a donation.
Sun City Palm Desert boasts some of California’s most engaged voters; turnout neared 96%
The article talks about our community in a very favorable way and is excellent PR for democratic voters. An important statistic stated in the article:
“The area was pretty split during the election. About 53% of votes cast in the presidential race went for Democrat Joe Biden, while about 47% went for President Donald Trump.” Link to article.
I know that these results are due to all the hard work we did in 2020 to get out the vote. Thank you!